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Classic TV Blog / TVparty!
* Classic TV Blog *
Your host: Billy Ingram

Earlier this month, a WXII TV (in Winston Salem, NC) morning anchor named Tolly Carr was allegedly driving drunk and killed a pedestrian in the wee hours of the morning. Here are some details.

Last week he went before his church for a mea culpa - but many are criticizing him for a self serving speech asking for support and money. Was he over the line here? Or is forgiveness called for?

What a coincidence that the church service was broadcast over the same station Tolly Carr was employed by? Would he have gotten the same reaction at your church? It's as sad situation, that's for sure, with two young men's family's devastated.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - 9:46am


Lily Tomlin as Ernestine gossips with Cher from the Cher show.

Cher takes questions from the audience on The Mike Douglas Show.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - 9:00am


Gene Sheldon and his Classic Tenor Banjo from an early Jackie Gleason Show.

Very funny Foster Brooks routine from a Dean Martin Roast of Lucille Ball. It's weird how the roasts got tamer as the years went by but this is one of the early ones and the 'perpetually drunk' comedian is on fire here.

'Lydia the Tattooed Lady' sung by Groucho Marx in 1969 from the Dick Cavett Show. This was one of his classic routines.

Sunday, March 25, 2007 - 10:24am


Some movies I netflixed recently:

Mission Impossible 3

Stranger Than Fiction

Little Miss Sunshine

No Direction Home

Jackass: Number Two

This Film Is Not Yet Rated

Sunday, March 25, 2007 - 9:32am


Jim Bacon writes in relation to our look at Gumby's 50th anniversary: "Just thought I’d drop you a note to let you know that DMGI is digitally distributing Gumby as well as a ton of other Classic T.V. content. Also, you can let your readers know that 35 Gumby episodes are available for free viewing."

Sunday, March 25, 2007 - 9:29am


Phil seuling photo There are so many obscure video & audio clips on this site that have little or no interest to most people. This clip is one of those.

When I was a kid I had a crystal radio in my bedroom and I would listen to stations near and far. One show I particularly enjoyed was an overnight talk show hosted by a young Bob Lacey in Charlotte.

At the time I was a big comic book nut so I wrote to Bob Lacey and suggested some people that might make good interviews. Much to my surprise he had them on as guests via phone. Artist Carmine Infantino, then the head of DC Comics, was one I remember - and I recently stumbled upon this recording of an interview with Phil Seuling.

PART ONE - 13:46 minutes

PART TWO - 3:44 minutes

comic collectorThis broadcast occurred right after a fellow named Mitchell Mehdy (right) made national news when he bought Action Comics number one for a little over $1,800. He was the laughing stock of the nation, but today that single comic book sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

At the time of this interview, Phil Seuling was building a very successful mail order business selling back issues of comic books - something few people had thought to do before him. He also organized the first New York comic book convention in 1967; this became a yearly event and a smart business move that helped make Seuling a very wealthy man.

The value of classic comics grew by leaps and bounds between 1970 and 1974. On his salary as an English teacher for the NYC public school system, Seuling amassed one of the most valuable collections in the world.
In Bob Lacey's interview, Phil talks of buying his first batch of old comic books and suddenly realizing the potential market.

Seuling quotes the worth of Big Little Books at five dollars at most - and is astonished when an old lady calls up to say she was offered ten dollars each. But then, Phil made a fortune buying comics for next to nothing and selling them for a mint.

By the 1980s, Seuling headed a thriving comic book distribution network that supplied the newly emerging comic book specialty shops around the country - in the process creating the so-called 'Direct Market' that is the standard distribution method today.

Phil Seuling passed away in the 1980s from Liver Cancer.

Today the interviewer, Bob Lacey, is the co-host of the very popular Bob and Sheri Show, heard in syndication nationally. This is absolutely the best morning show out there - I tuned in for several months before I made the connection that this is the same Bob Lacey I listened to as a kid.

Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 9:59am


Announcing the first TVparty Film Festival.

Simply send your short film, no longer than 5 minutes, on DVD and I'll choose the 5 best films to be showcased here on TVparty! for a month. You'll be seen by TV producers and artisans working in every aspect of the motion picture and television business, not to mention potentially tens of thousands of net citizens. This could be your big break!

Send your films to:
407 Blandwood Ave #4
Greensboro, NC 27401
By sending your DVD, you are granting TVparty! temporary permission to broadcast your film over the internet. DVDs can not be returned. Don't hate me if your creation doesn't make the cut.

I'll post the best films as they come in - good luck!

Friday, March 23, 2007 - 12:59am


Top 15 Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Panels.

Houdini's kin want to exhume the magician's body to see if he was murdered. I say yeah! Let's dig up all the historical figures we can and poke around, how about it?

Must reading about our TV news from a public affairs sergeant in Afghanistan.

Friday, March 23, 2007 - 4:49am


Paul TrippIt might be hard to believe but forty years ago New Yorkers tuned in every morning to a toddler's birthday party complete with sing-a-longs, animals and staring into a tropical fish tank. For the time, this was big city daytime TV at it's finest - and it was surprisingly entertaining, better than The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, that's for sure.

Lorraine Goodman shares with us a wonderful find, an episode of Birthday House from February 1966 starring Paul Tripp, TV's first child educator. As the producer and star of the critically celebrated Mr. I. Magination program on the CBS network from 1949 until 1952, he influenced and predated Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street and every children's program that followed.

Birthday House TV showBirthday House aired live on WNBC 4 Monday through Saturday mornings from April 1, 1963 until September 8, 1967; it was nationally syndicated for a while and two best-selling soundtrack albums were released with songs from the show.

Similar in tone to Romper Room but with a birthday party theme, the broadcast was a smash hit with kids and parents alike thanks to the exemploray talents of Tripp and his spouse, co-host Ruth Enders Tripp. A creative team since the pioneer days of television, they were masters of the intimate, seat-of-your-pants nature of live broadcasting.

Each day one, two or three lucky youngsters were selected from the New York / New Jersey viewing area to attend a birthday celebration with their friends on television. The WNBC studio could only accommodate a dozen or so children at a time so naturally tickets were highly coveted.

Tom Tichenor designed, manipulated and voiced the many cheerful puppet characters and portrayed Strawtop the silent scarecrow doll; Jan Lara and Kay Lande also appeared in character roles. In 1964, WNBC Channel 4 received a special citation for Birthday House at the NYC Emmy Awards

Birthday HouseThe underlying focus of Birthday House was on learning, however simple the lesson; this was accomplished with segments like Buzzy the spelling bee, kids drawing together at a chalk board and a milk drinking game to encourage good nutrition.

In this found episode, Paul and his puppet pal Felicia the mouse play around with a couple of gerbils before Paul strolls to a fish tank where he ad-libs as the camera lingers on the exotic fish swimming about.

This is representative of what the NBC flagship station offered for the morning hours in the nation's number one television market, part of a steady diet of quality kidvid available around the dial - all day long - with top talent that included Chuck McCann, Sandy Becker, Officer Joe Bolton and a legion of other virsatile performers who instilled in their viewers a sense of fair play, virtue and a love for education.

Here are some video clips
from the February 1966 episode
of Birthday House
(in Real Player Format):

Paul greets the kids
Click here for Real Player Format / Quicktime Format
This ultra-rare kinescope is missing the theme song (and commercials) and cropped a bit askew because it was shot directly from the studio monitor. It picks up with Paul and his elegant co-host Ruth Enders (Tripp) as they open the show, inviting the children into their musical Birthday House, an enchanted cottage in the forest.

The Birthday march, the Spelling Bee, the gerbils and Ruth
Click here for Real Player Format / Quicktime Format
Lorraine Goodman tells us: "I'm the one who's 4 - they called me 'Lorri' back then. My sister is Carrie, the 2 year old who gets all the special attention and stole the show!"
Is it my imagination or are Paul and the puppet trading double entendres during the gerbil bit?!?

Birthday HousePaul Tripp created and developed the catchy, fanciful songs with Ray Carter.
Click here for Real Player Format / Quicktime Format

Another of the tunes and one of the puppets
Click here for Real Player Format /Quicktime Format
This episode only exists because someone asked that a kinescope be made, a film they could take home - which was highly unusual, somebody had some pull at the TV station!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - 12:32pm

We recently ran a contest for the new DVD release of Christy, The Complete Series. The show originally aired in 1994 and is a real fan favorite, judging from the four star rating on Amazon. Here are some video clips from the show (in Windows Media format).

Clip # 1: Eligible Woman
Clip # 2: Faith Move Mountains
Clip # 3: Perfection Belongs to God
Clip # 4: Seeking The Light Within

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - 1:19pm


So they're giving the Geico cavemen their own sitcom (well, shooting a pilot anyway). Someone's missing the point - it's the guy PLAYING the main caveman that is so cool. He's got a terrific career ahead of him if he doesn't go down in flames with this bad idea. It's the actor's dry delivery, his stony presence that makes the whole thing work.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - 12:22pm


"New Rule: Mitt Romney must stop using the state of Massachusetts as a punchline unless he prefaces it with, 'Y'know the state that is so horribly liberal I chose to live and raise my family there for the last 30 years...' You don't hear Bush shitting on Texas or Cheney making fun of Transylvania."
- Bill Maher

"Those rosy scenarios are what keep us going in this business."
- Chris Mathews, Hardball, Jan. 20th 2005.

"People are really angry about a web site that encourages people to vote for the worst singer. This is not a joke. We're voting for the next 'American Idol' here. This is not some kind of game. I know it was funny when we reelected President Bush, but this is serious."
- Jimmy Kimmel

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - 2:07am

SSG Matt Wright and his buddies over in Iraq have produced a clever music video that is must-see TV.

Whether you are for or against the conflict in Iraq, you have to admire the spirit of these young men. Chicken salad, anyone?

They ask that you visit or and make a donation.

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 10:27am


From You Tube, this is the Family Guy segment that Carol Burnett is hot over.

Quite frankly, is there a worse show on TV than Family Guy? It sucks from the first moment to the last, so derivative of The Simpsons it's impossible for me to watch. Every freakin' reference gets a freakin' flashback or visual aside. It's so annoyingly formulaic that I would assume only maroons could watch it - except some of my best friends love it and they're smart people. So I don't get it.

Poorly drawn, sloppily animated - and Carol Burnett didn't tug her ear as a sign to her mom, it was her grandmother who raised her, that's who she was signaling.

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 10:01am



From the 2000's: Kevin Butler is possibly the nation's number 1 expert on NYC TV kid shows. He was also a regular on Alf's Hit Talk Show on TV Land, a pretty darn good program. Here are some highlights from Kevin's comic bits.

From the 1990's: Bloopers from Dallas with Larry Hagman and Linda Gray. (I'm cheating here - the outtakes are from the 1980s but Dallas lasted into the 1990s so...)

From the 1980's: Every once in a while someone writes and asks about that crazy syndicated sitcom called Small Wonder, the story of a robotic little girl and her typical suburban family. Was this show literally made for 5 year olds? It was very popular, as I recall.

From the 1970's: What happened when the cast of The Carol Burnett Show unexpectedly showed up during a taping of Match Game? Ensuing hilarity, of course! (This You Tube clip won't embed but it's too good to pass up.)

From the 1960s: The Three Stooges are interviewed by Jack Linkletter (Hootenanny).

From the 1950s: How great is this? Dinah Shore, Chita Rivera and Julie Andrews all joining in a medley of standards from Dinah's variety show.

Sunday, March 18, 2007 - 10:07am


Comedian Carol Burnett has filed a copyright infringement suit against the makers of Fox TV's cartoon sitcom "Family Guy" over an episode poking fun at the performer and her variety show from the 1960s and '70s. Link.

Saturday, March 17, 2007 - 2:37pm


CosRecently, I added audio of a monologue taped from an episode of The New Bill Cosby Show to our TVparty tribute to Bill Cosby in the 1970s. It's classic Cosby as he talks about growing up in Philly - in particular, how he almost learned the facts of life from two turtles.

Can you imagine in our fast paced TV culture a comedian taking the time to set up and deliver a story like this one, a full 6 minutes long? Certainly couldn't happen in prime time today - or late night either. That was one of the charms of The New Bill Cosby Show.

Friday, March 16, 2007 - 2:32am


What do I think of the prosecutor scandal on Capital Hill you ask? You didn't ask, I know. Why would you? What the hell do I know except what I read - although I read a lot, from all sides of the spectrum.

What I think is that something big is going to come along and knock it out of the media sandbox.

Friday, March 16, 2007 - 2:24am


If Fox can have success with Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader, NBC should package a one hour special with the best of The Tonight Show's hilarious 'Jaywalking' segments, where Jay Leno finds empty headed LA residents and asks them the simplest of questions.

I love South Park - it's so cool that the show hasn't lost it's edge after more than a decade. Who would have guessed? I'm even looking forward to the movie this summer. At least I think its this summer, I'm too lazy to find out. In this clip from this week's episode, Cartman 'goes gay' in a satire on the Jesus Camp crazies.

tv movieAnother TV cartoon will be coming to the big screen on April 13th - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film. Remember the big deal the officials in Boston made over those clever light box devices they mistook for bombs? How dumb can you get? Now we'll find out if the steep fines Cartoon Network and their ad agency paid because of the city's hissy fit will result in a public relations bonanza for the movie. I just hope the film doesn't suck! Here's the teaser trailer. They've got a hell of a great print campaign - is that Boris Vallejo that did the painting for the poster? Or Earl Norem?

If you're a fan of American Idol (not me), sitcom writer extraordinaire Ken Levin provides the best episode recaps. Check it. I'd rather read his recaps than watch the show itself. Here's one of his money quotes: "Could they pad the show any more? Christ! It was so long Paula’s drugs were wearing off."

One of my favorite shows, Reno 911, returns to Comedy Central on April 1st. The question is, given that the movie tanked and got such horrible reviews (like, it wasn't funny, stuff like that) could the TV series still be entertaining? Well, I'm happy to say, the show is as hilarious as ever. On the upcoming April Fool's Day episode, the Reno Sheriffs accepts a sponsorship from a Hooters-like business. Believe it or not, the plotline is pulled from real life - police departments around the U.S. are considering allowing business logos on the squad cars to provide extra income. This episode points out the inherent absurdity of the idea and the possible pitfalls.

Friday, March 16, 2007 - 8:04am


I recently viewed a few episodes of Fernwood 2night taped from Nick at Nite a couple of decades ago. The show originally aired in the mid-seventies. I thought so then - and I still believe it - that F2N was the funniest show ever made for TV. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman is coming to DVD soon, we can only hope Fernwood/America 2night will follow.

Dark Shadows DVdDark Shadows - Bloopers and Treasures
This is a good one for Dark Shadows fans (count me as one). Not for the 'Bloopers' which are actually just missed cues and line flubs - more embarrassing to look at than funny. In fact, they aren't funny at all, just painful to watch. Dark Shadows was a soap opera shot in the manner of the day - that is, they performed the show as if it were broadcast live, with very few retakes ever.

That said, there is a lot to like about this DVD release. Game show fans will cheer at the segments from Generation Gap with guests Jonathan Frid and other DS notables. I wish they had included whole episodes, but this is the first I've seen of this rare, short-lived daytime game. We also see Frid, Joan Bennett and 'The Wolfman' in segments from three episodes What's My Line from 1970 with Soupy Sales, Gene Rayburn & Sandy Baron.

Another great feature - tunes from the Dark Shadows soundtrack album that I owned as a kid. This was a beautifully produced album; the DVD producers have created music videos from the songs and they work quite well. Lara Parker (Angelique on DS) takes you on a tour of Salem, MA and there are some promo spots and behind the scenes video. I enjoyed this very much.

By the way, MPI has the entire Dark Shadows series out on DVD now.

Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner
Bwwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaa haaaa - that's the sound of me busting a gut! This is the most howlingly funny DVD I've watched in a long time, an extended and uncensored version of what was aired earlier this year and it's raunchy and raw. This is no Dean Martin style roast, that's for sure.

Jason Alexander hosts, with celebrity roasters Artie Lange, Nichelle Nichols, Patton Oswald, Lisa Lampenelli (who gets grilled as harshly as Shatner), Kevin Pollack, Betty White, Fred Willard, George Takei and others. Oh yes, the infamous, out of control, disgusting Andy Dick is on hand as well; you may have read about his performance, it made the news it was so over the top.

There are also bonus features that give you a behind the scenes look at shooting the special and Red Carpet video. Seriously funny!

The Addams Family on DVDThe Addams Family - Volume 2
20th Century Fox has decided to release the two seasons of The Addams Family in three sets. Fair enough. This volume gives you episodes The Last NYC Local Kid Shows from season one and the first episodes of season two for a total of 21 episodes so this would be the DVD set I'd recommend if you're considering buying only one. Of course, true fans will want all three volumes, right?

One stand out feature on these this discs is the commentary one one episode by Steve Cox who wrote the book about the show. I mentioned Steve's excellent commentary on The Beverly Hillbillies a while back on this Blog and his ruminations here are incisive and entertaining, full of fascinating facts and trivia. I wanted more! The added 'commentaries' on several episodes by Thing and Cousin Itt are as irritating and unnecessary as they are bizarre. Why not have more of Steve Cox? I could sit and listen to his stories all day.

There's also a mini-documentary on the show that features AF experts and the show's star John Astin, who looks great by the way. I'm glad to see he's still working but why isn't he seen more on TV? The packaging is very attractive and the prints are pristine; it's almost like watching the show for the first time. Classic TV lovers should be very pleased with this brand new release.

No Direction Home: Bob Dylan
Martin Scorsese. Bob Dylan. What's not to like? This film. I couldn't get through it. I tried twice, in spite of some spectacular clips of artists like Odetta, Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie and other influential artists. Maybe I'll try again.

The Loop Season One
This one's new to DVD this week, a 2006 sitcom is aimed at a much younger demo than I'm a part of but there are lots of scenes with young hotties in various states of undress so I don't mind a bit.

You know how it's been tradition for a couple of decades that up and coming attractive actresses MUST appear in their underwear in at least one scene in a movie? These days it's the guys who are required to strip down (why is that?). The lead in this sitcom was down to his skivvies in the first minute of the first episode - heck, he appears in boxers on the DVD cover.

This show's been compared to Arrested Development (hated it!) and I have to confess the more I watched the more I liked it. It's peppy and moves at a crisp pace; I also have the feeling that there's a dedicated staffer on the show that does nothing but come up with sexual euphemisms. Douche out? Meat stick? Pound your porcupine?

Check out these video clips from this DVD set:
It's The Custom - Real Player / Windows Media

Staying Out of Trouble - Real Player / Windows Media

Thesis: Work Vs. Play 1 - Real Player / Windows Media

Savage Earth
MPI Video has released a collection of Savage Earth TV documentaries. Entries include The Restless Planet, a look at earthquakes, one of which I lived through myself (L.A. in 1994) and the footage here is stunning.
Also on hand: Hell's Crust and Out of the Inferno (volcanoes), Waves of Destruction (floods). These were originally broadcast on PBS, narrated by Stacey Keach who seems to have fallen into a second career as the preferred voice of documentaries. This one hits the stores on April 24th.

Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 8:16am


1980's PUNK ROCK
I've mentioned the seminal punk band Red Wedding here a couple of times - here's a blog that details early eighties LA punk bands like Red Wedding.

Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 6:05am



Here's a stunning assessment of the veterans medical crisis we're entering into. Some lowlights:
• took between 127 to 177 days to process an initial claim and an average of 657 days to process an appeal, resulting in significant hardship to veterans. In contrast, the private sector industry takes about 89.5 days to process a claim.
• had a claims backlog of roughly 600,000.
• will see 638,000 new first-time claims in the next five years because of the Iraq war -- 400,000 by the end of 2009 -- creating added costs of between $70 billion and $150 billion.
• had antiquated technology for processing claims, such as unreliable old fax machines

From Corrente Wire:
The Army Corps of Engineers, rushing to meet President Bush’s promise to protect New Orleans by the start of the 2006 hurricane season, installed defective flood-control pumps last year despite warnings from its own expert that the equipment would fail during a storm, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The 2006 hurricane season turned out to be mild, and the new pumps were never pressed into action. But the Corps and [MWI,] the politically connected manufacturer of the equipment are still struggling to get the 34 heavy-duty pumps working properly.

The pumps are now being pulled out and overhauled because of excessive vibration, Corps officials said. Other problems have included overheated engines, broken hoses and blown gaskets, according to the documents obtained by the AP.

And guess what the political connection was?

MWI is owned by J. David Eller and his sons. Eller was once a business partner of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in a venture called Bush-El that marketed MWI pumps. And Eller has donated about $128,000 to politicians, the vast majority of it to the Republican Party, since 1996, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Alan K. Simpson:
As a lifelong Republican who served in the Army in Germany, I believe it is critical that we review -- and overturn -- the ban on gay service in the military. I voted for "don't ask, don't tell." But much has changed since 1993.

My thinking shifted when I read that the military was firing translators because they are gay. According to the Government Accountability Office, more than 300 language experts have been fired under "don't ask, don't tell," including more than 50 who are fluent in Arabic. This when even Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently acknowledged the nation's "foreign language deficit" and how much our government needs Farsi and Arabic speakers. Is there a "straight" way to translate Arabic? Is there a "gay" Farsi? My God, we'd better start talking sense before it is too late.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 - 3:05pm


I'll be back on Bravo this Friday night - actually Saturday morning from 3:00-5:00am on the east coast, 12:00-2:00am on the west coast - look for 100 Funniest Movies.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 - 11:45am



Did you hear the one about the American Idol contestant that forcibly masturbated to a staff member of the program? Mario Vasquez allegedly followed a male AI staffer into the bathroom and tried to get jiggy with it.
Speculation has it that this was the reason Vasquez dropped out of the competition unexpectedly two years ago when he held such promise (well, when he wasn't inappropriately holding his throbbing boyhood).

Now the staffer (who was fired) wants major bucks from Vasquez and everyone else associated with the show. I don't watch American Idol myself but I can't help but wonder how come this kind of thing never happens to me? I mean, in a situation where I could end up with millions of dollars from the experience instead of a few thousand stem cells to mop up.

Seriously though, how messed up would you have to be to pull a stunt like this when you've been given the opportunity of a lifetime to advance the career of your dreams. All he had to do was wait until he had a few weeks of exposure on America's top rated TV show to get freaky - then there would be a line of eager participants queued around the stall for him. This is Hollywood after all.

Here's the story.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 - 11:43am


You can get the latest news on your favorite current TV shows at Televisionista. Check it out!

Someone's in biiiiiiiig trouble! Check out the slogan under the Krispy Kreme doughnut in this news graphic from a Georgia TV station.

Anyone with more than half a brain knows that Fox News is an arm of the Republican party. Not that there's anything wrong with that, if they would only acknowledge it One day staffers will write tell all books about what goes on behind the scenes, I'm sure. Here's a nice set of screen captures that illustrates that point, my favorite below was from the last election day.

Monday, March 12, 2007 - 2:49pm


Amazon is having a 50% off sale on some great classic TV titles - this sale ends soon, so hurry over to get some of the DVD collections you've always wanted. I especially recommend You Bet Your Life - The Best Episodes. You'll laugh yourself silly at this one.

Monday, March 12, 2007 - 12:44pm


Here are a few gems related to the late, great Jack Benny from You Tube:

Scenes from a Dean Martin Roast of Jack Benny. Very quaint when you compare it to the William Shatner Roast that Comedy Central recently aired.

Did you know Marilyn Monroe made an appearance on the Jack Benny Show in 1953?

Finally, George Burns, Bing Crosby and Jack Benny recreate a classic Vaudeville routines, Goldie, Fields & Glide.

Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 12:24pm


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Alex Toth Book
TVparty's Billy Ingram and James Counts produced a new book that animation and comic book fans will want to own - 'Dear John: The Alex Toth Doodle Book.'

It's a bit different - a collection of correspondence and sketches from the reclusive master artist Alex Toth's last 25 years.

Click here for more info about the book. There are very few copies left and I haven't heard any serious talk of a second printing; it was released only through comic book stores in August of 2006.

Wild, Wild West on DVD

Electric Company 2 on DVD

Family Affair on DVD

F-Troop on dvd

Hudson Brothers on DVD

Busom Buddies on DVD

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