:: Romper Room in Arkansas : Karlisa Burleson writes: "I was on Romper Room with Miss Nancy- I believe I was around 4 or 5 years old, so that would make it 1970 or 1971 in Arkansas. I’ve attached a couple of old photos from that time, I am in the navy blue jumper with white shirt and pigtails. My name is Karlisa “Lisa” McKenney-Burleson. "I can remember one time, Miss Nancy had the class walk around in cardboard cars, and mine happened to be on backwards that day and a big loud voice-over guy came on shouting, 'Karlisa, you have you car on backwards- Karlisa you have your car on backwards.' I don’t believe I ever heard him, but I think my Mother had a good chuckle from the sidelines. Also, because of the Romper Room show, I was asked to be on a shoe commercial for Buster Brown shoes, I believe was the brand, and I had to crack open an egg. "Anyway, I just found these pics and decided to google Miss Nancy and came across your website and thought I’d share my Romper Room story. I also went to Miss Nancy’s house for some reason and she had 2 huge Afghan Hound dogs in her entryway- I just remember standing in the entry way looking at her giant dogs in amazement."
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