Win Money Watching TV!

Race to Riches! - pick up a game card at the grocery store then watch the
race on television that weekend to determine if you are a winner.
In full color!

It's Racing Time! - Televised horse races where viewers
at home could win cold hard cash!

Greyhound Derby - that's right they even televised previously
run dog races from Florida.
Grocery store sponsored Horse Racing and Bingo games were just some of the miriad ways a person could rake in some moolah watching TV shows in the 1960s.
In these first 3 examples, the viewer hoped to match the winners to the scorecards they got for buying groceries that week.
With these automoblie, horse, and dog racing TV broadcasts, you tuned into a Saturday evening program on a local station to see if the results matched what it said on your card.
These were races that, in many cases, had been run months or years before.

Deck O Money - not a TV promotion but another way (without really gambling)
grocery stores lured in customers with the promise of big money prizes.
This was likely a scratch off with a row of cards that made up your 'hand.' Adults only!
You can read MORE about this 1960s phenomenon:
Win Money Watching TV Horse Races! |