was on Romper Room with Ms. Jan sometime in the last 60's
or early 70's. I don't remember being on the show, but I still remember
Ms. Jan. She was just beautiful and so sweet and I absolutely loved
The photos aren't dated, but I was about 5 years old, so that would
be sometime in '69 or '70. I've been told, over and over, that I
was "So Funny" when I was on the show and I made Ms. Jan
laugh and laugh. I'm the little girl on the far left in the first
That's me in the second picture kneeling in front of Ms. Jan. I
get the feeling, she kept me where she could keep an eye on me.
In the third photo, I'm on the far left. My mom told me I was on
the show several times, and based on the different clothes, I guess
that was the case.
Just by chance, I found a mention of Ms. Jan in a society page
article a few years ago. I emailed the author and she passed on
a Hello and Thanks to Ms. Jan. A few days later, I received a sweet
thank you. Ms. Jan was a just sweet lady.
- Take care, Janine
Chances are you were on the show more than once - usually kids
on the program appeared for the entire week, 5 broadcasts