Wally Wood letters
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 the questionwally wood letters
#12 / September 5, 1978

Knowing that Wally Wood had worked with Spiderman co-creator Steve Ditko often over the years, I asked him what he thought of the ending to the classic Ditko story that appeared in Charlton Comics' Mysterious Suspense number 1.

Wally WoodIn the last panel of the Question story, Ditko writes: "When does a man achieve victory? When after he has honestly applied himself to the task facing him and having overcome it . . .is secure in the knowledge that whatever he has accomplished, the fruits of that goal belong to him! He will know . . . no one else matters."

It seemed to me to be a very personal statement, and I asked Wood what he thought of what Ditko had written.

Dear John;

I read your comments on Ditko with interest. Knowing Steve, and his philosophy, well, I can't help but agree with your conclusion. The Question was definitely giving Steve's position on the issue of credit . . and other things. I envy him, and I can't agree with him . . I want the credit (and the money) for
everything I do! And I resent guys like Stan Lee more than I can say! He's my one reason for living... I want to see that no-talent bum get his...

Ah, tell your friend Billy that the worst guy I ever inked was Maurice Gutwoth... never heard of him, right? (probably before your time . . was an artist who drew for Fox when I was just starting.)

Of the current crop, I find it hard to choose. I guess Rick Estrada's given me the most trouble. The only way to make an Estrada page look like anything would be to erase the pencils and start all over. You know, I did a panel without ANY pencils once? Professionally, that is.. I never knew you had to pencil the stuff first when I was a kid. Come to think of it, Jerry Grandinetti comes a close second.. Why do you care?
Does it matter? What am I doing writing this shit
at 3 in the morning? I should be working . . or sleeping . . What's this about being a novelist? Are you really? And what does "one-handedness" mean? And what's this about an art show? What's the Big Time?

Write . . best,

Wood inks Rick Estrada
All Star .
house of mystery
Wood inks Jerry Grandenetti

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Wood inks Ditko


TVparty is Classic TV on the internet!
<This is a GREAT NEW book about the master, Wally Wood. Very well written and compiled - worth it!

Illustrations © 1969 & 1979 DC Comics, Cannon © 1980 Wally Wood